Aurigami&PinkPea Finance

PinkPea Finance and Aurigami have partnered! Our second Partner Pool USDC-Aurigami LP is online!

Mining time: August 2th 8:00 - September 1th 8:00 (UTC)

Bonus: 3,333,333 PLY+66,666 PEA

Rules: Users deposit USDC LP into the PinkPea Finance/Aurigami Partner Pool. The deposited assets will automatically lock for seven days, after which users can withdraw them at any time. PinkPea Finance will automatically deposit the USDC into Aurigami's USDC Pool and reinvest the PLY rewards every 30 minutes. The Aurigami PULP token received can be redeemed, exchanged for USDC, and distributed to platform users.

The weighted average will calculate the unlocking time if users deposit additional new assets to their position.

Reward distribution:

50% of the PEA and PLY produced by Partner pools will be released immediately after receiving it. The remaining 50% will unlock every six days, with 5% within 60 days.

Tips: After users deposit assets into Partner Pools, they will not be able to enjoy Vaults rewards or Boost acceleration. Smart contracts:0x0dc42aF66A4b5C27a4ad866Cb635bcD0765D7112

Last updated