
We designed PinkPea Finance Vaults to maximize user returns on various yield farms without worrying about gas fees. The vault works automatically, rather than manually harvesting and selling rewards, buying tokens, and reinvesting them. A specific set of strategies optimize the yield farming and reinvest them in the liquidity pools, providing compounded gains.

Both single-sided and liquidity provider pools are available to PinkPea Finance users, who can deposit their tokens, regardless of a liquidity pool token or a single asset, into the vault, and the strategy will auto-harvest rewards and compound the gains. For example, if you stake BTC-USDT LP tokens in a pool, users automatically earn more BTC-USDT LP tokens over time.

Users can easily browse the vaults on the PinkPea Finance platform, see the annual percentage yield (APY) and the total value locked (TVL) in each one. Once a user has found a vault that suits their investment profile, they click to initiate a transaction to deposit the relevant asset and then start earning. Users can always withdraw the assets from PinkPea Finance Vaults at any time. PinkPea Finance does not own any user funds. Users initiate a withdrawal transaction request, and the tokens with their accumulated rewards return to their account.

Summarizing, vaults can:

  1. Investors can choose from various assets.

  2. Both single-sided and liquidity provider pools are available.

  3. Auto-harvest rewards and auto-compound the gains.

What is the vault fee structure?

Deposits and withdrawals are free, PinkPea Finance only charges 5% of profits with no minimum performance fee.

Fee Structure: vePEA holders receive 2.5%, paid out as PEA PEA liquidity providers receive 2%, paid out as PEA 0.5% deposits into the PinkPea Finance Treasury

The fee structure may adjust according to the development of PinkPea via the PinkPea DAO.

How often do the vaults harvest their profits and reinvest?

Vaults are normally harvested multiple times a day, and profits are automatically reinvested (compounded).

What projects are available in PinkPea Vaults?

PinkPea's Vaults are currently connected to Trisolaris's LP trading pairs. The trading pairs and corresponding smart contracts are as follows.

Single-sided Vaults staking pools

PinkPea Finance will launch the single-sided Vaults staking pools on April 21, 2022, and support the staking of multiple single-sided assets such as USDT, USDC, BTC, ETH, and NEAR. PinkPea Finance will automatically allocate investors' assets to the optimal strategy to maximize income. The first batch of single-sided assets launched will stake into Aurigami's lending pool, and users can enjoy double rewards of native interest + PEA mining rewards. The PLY pre-mining Aurigami income will release after PLY launches. PinkPea Finance will re-determine the distribution rules according to Aurigami's release rules. Please pay attention to the official Twitter of PinkPea Finance for relevant announcements from the community.

Last updated